Magdalena Jędra (1977)
dancer, choreographer, actress.
In the years 1997- 1999 Magda Jedra worked with Gdanski Teatr Tanca (Gdansk Dance Theatre)
led by Melissa Monteros i Wojciech Mochniej, and performed in all of the productions mounted during that period.
Together with GTT M. Jedra performed on international festivals in Sweden, Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Hungary.
In 1998 Magda Jedra took part in the project conducted by a Canadian choreographer Paula Ross entitled
"Fisher of man, man the fisher".In 1999 Magda Jedra was invited to participate in the work of an American
choreographer's - Joe Alter's Dance Group based in Warsaw. In April 2001 together with Rafal Dziemidok, M. Jedra
creates a performance entitled "Dreams of a fleecy river". The performance was presented at:
2001 - IV International festival "Body - Mind" in Warsaw.
2001 - 6th Baltic University of Dance in Gdansk, Poland.
2002 - Spring Dance Preview 2002 - Utrecht ( Holland)
2004 - Dance Zone - Central European Schowcase Program - Prague ( Czech Republic)
Paralelly to the co-operation with Dziemidok, M. Jedra works with the Theatre Sfere from Gdansk
("Another baby 39", "zum Beispiel"). In November 2001 M. Jedra was invited to participate in
a multimedial performance entitled "File 01" created in co-opration with Edyta Kozak's
group Made Inc. Since 2002 Magda Jedra co-operates with the Centrum Sztuki Wspolczesnej LAZNIA in
Gdansk (Centre for Contemporary Arts LAZNIA). In 2001 together with Z. Bienkowski she establishes a group
called PLASTIYQUE dod, where she realises her own choreographic and artistic projects.
In 2004 she took part in a dance and visuals project "SEAS" that took place in Shipyard area in Gdansk.
In the same year she performed with Read My Lips Theatre in performance entitled "Welcome to Cafe Domino".
Currently she is preparing together with Daria Jedra a performance "Zum beispiel" that will have
it's premiere in January 2006 in Warsaw.